Imperial March on the 1 and 2

I’m sure the blogs will pick this up pretty quickly, but I had to post this when I saw it. This should be the example to show when people doubt that turntablism is an art. Here is a blog entry about it.

Here is the YouTube version.

The best part about it is the facial expression on the guy standing next to him. He must have been the guy he was battling!

Blackalicious @ Paradise Rock Club

I was in Boston last week for LinuxWorld. This is the second time this year that I have been in Boston for work– and I will be in Boston again in June for Microsoft TechEd. Seems the tech conferences are all moving there this year. I really like Boston. From a music perspective there is quite a bit to do there.

While I was there I saw Blackalicious with Pigeon John and the Lifesavas at the Paradise Rock Club. They also had Pharcyde MC Fat Lip and Leftcoast up-and-comer Omni on the bill. I went to the show with a couple of guys that I work with.

We got to the venue for the door opening at 7PM. Unfortunately, it was raining on and off all day and in the 30’s for temps. We stood in the will-call line for a long time periodically hopping up and down to stir up some heat. Judging by the others in line, I was the oldest person there.

When we got inside I went over to the merch table to see what stuff they had for sale. Lots of nice Blackalicious stuff– tees, CD’s, and some vinyl. There was stuff from Pigeon John, too. Manning the table was a couple of guys one of which I would find out was Omni himself. I picked up a 12″ of breakbeats. Omni helpfully explained that what I had in my hands was used by DJ’s. I nodded, consumed by looking at the stuff. At that point he shoved a record in my face– his record and announced that it just dropped and indicated that I should buy it. When I showed no interest he said that “maybe it’s too hardcore for you.” I nodded ironically and said that maybe it was. I headed to the bar. We snagged a nice corner table that gave us a great vantage point the whole night.

Before the bands started we got to hear DJ See Brown. He ran through a set of funk and HipHop with a little disco mixed in. He seemed to be warming up. He would be the DJ for Pigeon John, Omni, and Fat Lip.

First up was Pigeon John. I knew that he was signed to Quannum and I knew there was a bit of chatter going on about him. I frankly didn’t know what to expect from him. What we got was a fun and energetic set from someone who genuinely wanted to be there. He interacted with the crowd a lot and ran through his catalog including a couple of tracks from his forthcoming Quannum release due in the fall. His lyrics were very tongue in cheek and self deprecating. His set hit a peak when he had the voice of “god” telling him that him that no one in the audience liked him. He fell to his knees to great crowd shouting. Funny! A very good set. I look forward to seeing him in the future. I guess he tours constantly.

Next up was Omni. He did a thankfully short set. That is about all I remember from him except that he was wearing a Lifesavas teeshirt that confused a number of people who wanted to know if he was in that group. Based on that set, I certainly wouldn’t be buying his record.

Next up was Fat Lip. I hadn’t heard him before. I was roughly familiar with the Pharcyde. Based on what I heard this was mostly a set of Pharcyde stuff plus a new track called “Writer’s Block.” He was pretty entertaining. He flows a bit off beat, reminding me of Biz Markie. The crowd was full of fans. By this time the floor was pretty much filled up.

Next up was the Lifesavas. I had heard them before on a couple of other Quannum records as a supporting artist. Their set was very energetic. It reminded me of the Latyrx show I saw a number of years ago in Minneapolis. They did tracks from their upcoming release Gutterfly which seems pretty promising.

After Lifesavas was done, there was a break. I went up to the merchandise table. Pigeon John was manning his area of the table. I congratulated him on a fun set. I told him I liked MC’s with a sense of humor. He agreed and said he did too. I signed up for his mailing list. I asked him which of his CD’s I should get. He handed me Pigeon John Is Dating Your Sister and said that this one was the one that Lyrics Born heard that made him sign John to Quannum. I also picked up a mixtape (are they mixtapes when they are on CD?) done by the Rev. Shines who is the turntablist for Lifesavas called Today’s Good News vol. 1. This was done as a tribute to the late JayDilla.

Finally, it was time for Blackalicious. I have seen DJ Shadow a couple of times, and Lyrics Born with Lateef as Latyrx, but I hadn’t seen the Gift of Gab with Chief Xcel. Now, I’ve seen the entire original Solesides/Quannum crew! Onstage with Gab and the Chief were two background singers– a guy and a girl. There was some concern voiced by some of the people I talked to in line as I guess that due to health issues, the Gift of Gab wasn’t able to make their last show in Boston, and evidently Lyrics Born filled in. No sign of that. While the Chief manned the turntables, the Gift of Gab prowled the stage like a bull in heat spitting out rhymes with precision and speed you just don’t hear from MC’s these days. They did all of the great tracks from Blazing Arrow and Nia, plus a handful of tracks from their new release The Craft. They also did “Puttin’ on the Ritz” off of the Gift of Gab’s solo record 4th Dimensional Rocket Ships Going Up. The crowd went nuts during the couple of freestyles that he delivered. I think that the Gift of Gab is still one of the best MC’s around. In fact, the MC’s on Quannum all set the bar for style and skill. High points of the night included “Chemical Calisthenics” and also “Deception.” On Deception Gab had the crowd singing along to the “La De Da Da Dee Dee Da” part. They wrapped up the night with an encore that included all the MC’s from the night.

It’s pretty clear to me watching all of the acts tonight that the years of working have added a certain polish to Blackalicious’s set. They approached the stage with the confidence that comes with the seasoning of years of work. They knew how to work the crowd and had the whole place rocking.

Coming Soon… plus Get your Swerve On!

Greetings! It’s been a bit since I’ve done a post. Since the last post I’ve been in Boston and Minneapolis for work and personal. I’ve got a couple of posts I’m working on for both trips, plus I have a couple of reviews I’m working on. I hope to have most of this up this weekend.

In the meantime media mogul Rob Galgano is posting the phenominal Raise album by shoegazer alums Swervedriver. Rob posts great out-of-print stuff one track at a time under his “Hard To Find CD’s” category of posts. I highly recommend at least checking out the “Son of Mustang Ford” track. While you’re there you might consider subscribing to his aptly-named podcast “All Over The Place.”

Tapes ‘n Tapes – The Loon (review)

The tendency for reviews is generally to compare whatever artist is being reviewed to other artists– especially established ones– to help describe to the reader what a particular band is like. This helps guide the reader to a particular sound or aspect of a sound. Unfortunately, it also has the effect of possibly pidgeonholing the band.

And, so it is with Minneapolis band Tapes ‘n Tapes. I started listening to this album last week. Frankly, I can’t stop listening to it for long. I’ve been swimming though a lot of albums from bands lately, and I’m always hoping for a complete work– strong songs from start to finish. In some cases, I get it, in some I don’t. I think this record is a winner on every track. Pitchfork reviewed this album and gave it a glowing review (in Pitchfork terms– an 8.3!). The reviewer pulls the reference right away– Pixies, Pavement, Wire and the Beach Boys. I’d agree with the first three anyway. The track “Insistor” is clearly a Pixies prototype down to the boom-chuck-boom-chuck Mexican style drums and surfy guitar tone. The lead singer spitting out reverbby vocals. Surfer Rosa, anyone? Come on Pilgrim!

My problem is I love the Pixies. So, I hear this as a derivative of that style and it feels really good. It isn’t fair to just peg them this way, but that is where it starts for me anyway. Every song on this album stands on its own as a gem. All songs seem to be executed with an urgency that I sincerely hope they will hold on to for their future works. It’s a bit astonishing to me how tight these tracks are– colored with precision and tone. In the track “In Houston” the song changes between verses in time and style. Alternating buzzy synth and guitars and post-rocky marimbas.

Tapes ‘n Tapes played SXSW this year and were invited to play a broadcast set for KXEP. The interviewer seemed to be in the same position I was in. She just got the CD one day and was amazed by it. This band seems to be just coming out of the blue with this record. And, their live shows seem to sound as good as this album! They said they’ve been together for three years. It looks like they had an EP or album out earlier before they released the Loon. She asks them if they had a big pile of songs to choose from, or if they just had this great set of songs to work with. Kind of a back-handed compliment, I guess. But, I know what she means. How is it possible this band has all of these songs so polished? In an interview with the band they state that they’ve been working on these songs for a while and “get what we had down on record.” She also points out hesitatingly that the band sounds a lot like the Pixies. Their response: “Yeah, we listen to a lot of Pixies records– what can you do?”

Take a listen to some tracks from The Loon




Here is the KXEP Show on the Austin City Limits stage served up by Fresh Bread complete with interview segments.

Tapes ‘n Tapes will be playing The Mill in Iowa City on 3/31 as part of the Mission Creek Midwest Festival along with local favorites Death Ships, Golden Birds from San Francisco, and The Attic Recordings from Chicago. I haven’t heard any of these groups before, but I know that Death Ships is a typical “bill filler” for the Mill.

City of Brotherly Love Celebrates their Love of R&B Brothers Hall and Oates

I was in Philadephia this week on business and heard on the news that Philly Mayor John Street declared March 18th “Daryl Hall and John Oates Day.” The duo will be celebrating the honor with a show at the Tower Theater tonight. They were quoted on WXPN as saying the only thing that would have topped this honor would be a lifetime supply of Philly Cheesesteaks. In this article in the Philly Inquirer, we find out that Hall and Oates liken themselves to an R&B Grateful Dead due to their diehard fans attendance to their shows and the fact that they change up their setlists every night. In the article we find a typically silent Oates outspoken in his resentment of accusations of his playing Andrew Ridgley to Hall’s George Michael. Evidently Oates has thrown down the gauntlet for Conan O’Brien and will kick his ass if he ever sees him. What kind of brotherly love is that, now?

Get Your Claim from Sony Rootkit Settlement

From Slashdot: The settlement process has begun from the class action suit brought on to Sony by the EFF. If you purchased any of the CD’s from Sony that have the flawed digital rights management, you have until the end of 2006 to file a claim. Depending on which of the two rootkit DRM’s you have in your posession, you could be due a replacement of your CD sans DRM software, a digital download of your CD in question, AND you could receive a cash payment of $7.50 and 1 free download from a number of places including iTunes or three free album downloads from the same places. It is important that people take Sony/BMG up on this! In these kinds of settlements, the company in question counts on the fact that people won’t go through the process to get their claim. We consumers need to send a clear message that this kind of irresponsibility is not and will not be tolerated!

I only have one CD from the lists, which is Trey Anastasio’s new album Shine. I have already ripped the CD using cdparanoia on Linux, so I have a DRM-safe copy. So, I will be sending mine in.

Settle up with Sony BMG

Ryan Adams Fans Face Jail Time for Leaking mp3’s

Rob at The Great Leap Forward has an entry from Pitchfork on a couple of Ryan Adam’s fans who leaked Jacksonville City Nights tracks before the album came out. Unfortunately, they face some hard time for this under the new Family Entertainment and Copyright Act. Watch where you put your mp3’s, kids! Posting mp3’s on websites is really stupid, especially if they aren’t released, yet!

Happy Pi Day!

I was listening to NPR during the drive in this morning and they had a piece on “Pi Day.” I guess this is a recognized day to celebrate Pi– at least in this country (3/14). I’d assume that in places that don’t adopt our date format they would celebrate on July 22nd (22/7). In the piece they commented on the fact that on Kate Bush’s new album Aerial, she has a song called “Pi” where she sings the digits of pi and it is wrong. Here is a blog entry about this, and in typical rabid Kate Bush fan fashion they debate whether it was deliberate. Wave your calculators and slide rules in solidarity!

Cedar Rapids Sam Goody Closes

It just shows you how much I pay attention to big retail music chains. Musicland files chapter 11, and also closes a bunch of Sam Goodies and Suncoasts. Included in that is the Sam Goody in Lindale Mall in Cedar Rapids. Over lunch on Friday I was at Lindale and happened upon a store closing sale. Everything in the store was 40% off! I left with some things that I hadn’t gotten around to buying. I picked up the new Big Star In Space, the turntablism documentary “Scratch,” DJ Shadow’s “In Tune and On Time” DVD/CD, and Namco Museum Battle Collection for my PSP. I can see why this chain is in trouble. Everything in this store is overpriced! Most CD’s were between $16.99 and $18.99 before the 40% off. Musicland is attributing their poor performance to “big box retailer competition” and increased music downloading. If they can’t figure out how to charge less for CD’s, I doubt they will be successful. They state in the press release that in most cases, the local impact of the closing will be lessened by the fact that the consumer will usually be able to find another one of their chains close by. In Cedar Rapids, this isn’t the case. The nearest Sam Goody is Des Moines, and the nearest Suncoast is Waterloo. It looks like TransWorld Entertainment Corporation is making a move to purchase Musicland. Transworld seems to own most of the interesting record store chains: Strawberries, Coconuts, Wherehouse, CD World, fye, and Second Spin. It would be cool if we got one of those stores here.